sometimes all you can do is celebrate ~

oh happy summer, lead us into a fall full of golden harvests!

1.  Dog Days Are Over ~ Florence and the Machine

2.  Oceanside ~ The Decemberists

But oh, if I could only get you oceanside, 
to lay your muscles wide, 

it'd be heavenly. 

3.  Etienne ~ Tori Amos

in love, i find you again and again

4. Walking Through Walls ~ Katie Herzig

The moments pass
And we're all waiting for the moments that will last
When I saw your eyes they stole my heart

5.  Safe Travels ~ Lisa Hannigan

6. Simple Song ~ The Shins

7.  Don't Leave Me (Ne Me Quitte Pas) ~ Regina Spektor

8.  Ride - Lana Del Rey

9. Glory and Gore; Lorde

10.   Forevermore ~ Katie Herzig

11.  Booty Swing ~ Parov Stelar

12.  Bad Boy, Good Man ~ Tape Five

he just thinks he doesn't know how to dance

13.   Glory Bound ~ The Wailin' Jennys

have your own summer 2014 song?? let me know ~ come on now, share your JOY :)