
these are the paths we go down ~

this hummingbird highway, a rainbow
shadow, our Belizean blue dreams.

the ocean, the ocean waves (the hurricane)
the way we move and sway.

so stay, and stay and stay.

sunshine soaked bones.

you hold me, while I do the soft sink.
you hold me, while i forget the dark star.

you have sepia memories of the torn heart.

i thought i would die.

but i only grew cold and slow, tired and bewildered.
lost wonder.

"when she cries, it is deep and sweet and true.

when she screams, it is lightening,

           wind and fire."

we will have our island, we will whisper
our spells into the grains of sand.

take my hand.
let's go.

the summer has slipped,

navaho rug on the wood floor,
splintered and marked with checkers,
specks of blood and old wine.

et Charlotte?

elle enchante, n'est-ce pas?

some have wings,
i have none.

some find shelter,
in the sierra madre.

my mother can
no longer see me.

but the storm, she is mine.

if you say you have
ridden the lightening bolt.

you lie.

and this world of copper?
this smell 
thick and wet with plaster,
and beneath it, the lathe.

beneath that, 

the hidden sword.

beneath that, 

a secret place
where quiet things sleep
before they grow.