
It is the snow melt day.
We have been feeling our
way along the sweetest edge.

I thought I would wait,
it was crystal shown but
not written in the stones.
Dark and light to balance.
But you are the ocean embrace
and I am tied to your tide.
On this day of eagles and does,
we peruse down gravel roads.
I have made promises, they
twine into the rooted earth.
If I am good at nothing else,
I know how to tell the truth.
The women pull on their lighted
raiments, we are clothed in drum
beat, we sing with the merlin call.

“lean in close, come closer, promised
and promising, you will not fall”
The one with dark wings, softly stole in
on full moon night, he may not know
who he is but I have known his eyes, I have
felt his key opening inside my honeycomb
heart, the snakes are rising, the sun has
spoken ~ I am stepping into thickening air.
I am cloaked in spider webs and I am unafraid.