This is dedicated to my sisters, who have been down the same road as me.
Even though we don't see each other every day, I somehow feel we move through our days with our arms linked.
Thanks for all the gifts you have given me!
Here is a small gift for you. Some of the things that have helped and supported me as I have been on this spiraled, healing journey.
The music is highlighted in yellow ~ just click on the large yellow words (song title or artist names) and you will be taken to the song on YouTube.
With love from me to you ~
For the times you need to sound your "barbaric yawp" (hint, just click below and it will take you to the song :)
When you need to have sweet dreams ~
When you forgive, remember that the Universe has a way of making things right (for you and everyone else, you just can't worry about it)!
When it is time to let it all just burn away ~
Sometimes, the only thing you have to do is let go . . .
This is the song I talked about in group. "Cooling" by Tori Amos ~ for me it is a calming, healing song that helps me let go of the pain and "cool" my mind.
When we come together, in support and love. When we share our truth, we begin the healing spiral.
Here are to those who have made it through the storm, and to all the good things we are becoming!