
she walks on sand beach
electricity shoots from her toes,
this storm bringer,
this being of light.

long ago she left the dark manor,
there is no longer time for
tortured souls, for cruel dragons.

eyes turning toward the butterfly
madness, lilacs and whippoorwills,
there is a river twisting, it
whispers of the ocean, it asks
for her bones.

in shadow garden, the moon flowers
open, capturing light and lighting
the way ~ the three stand in low song.

it is a long goodbye, it is a new beginning.

she is young, in this dream ~
there is dew on the garden, her braid
is long and straight down her back.

the house is falling down, and the dust
carries death.  she breathes in life,
she doesn't know anything else to do.

there is a mason jar glittering with lightning
bugs, it sits quiet and desperate, on a cracked
concrete stoop ~ yet still they glow, throwing
hope forward against the glass.

and she hopes, too, always she is full of it
even when others try to slap it out of her.

so she packs boxes, humming the song of
life and death, she is moving to the land of
monarchs and eagles.  she will feel the hum
of the river beneath her heels ~

she will raise her hand, and open her skin,
and send her bones in southern tide,
to land on her mother's shore.

she knows about the shell collection,
she has seen the story written in the rock,
she knows the tree vein tale, she sings it,
she writes it on the air with lightening stroke.

venir, vous me trouverez dans le jardin.

come, you will find me wrapped in salted water.

you need never dry your tears, here you can cry forever.