
and so here it is,
the storm that was foretold.

we have nothing left do,
but to walk on the sand.

i know what lives in the sea,
i know what goes to the ocean
to die.

to feel the salted water
beneath our questing feet.

this is not the mythic tale.
we are not liars,
we pick the dandelions and
wish on their soft, white

promise me; then "promise me" again.

this is the bible of my belief.
black leather with these
little gold letters.

and i believe,
although i know most
promises end up being

the dangerous
things we make of
each others'

this compass tattooed
on my hand.

i was not unwilling.
just unwitting.

i am the ghost in the glass.

full moon waiting
just behind the halo
of clouds, thinning.

we are veiled,
but it is barely so.

i would like to whisper
in your ear,
"people are . . .


and maybe that is true.

but mostly, dear, sweet heart,

"people are . . .


It's that time of year, time to try some new things.  2016 was so eventful, a bit complicated (under statement) and super busy.  So, with the onset of 2017 and with the last day of my winter break I decided to focus on a little on simplicity.  Creating some breathing space in a busy, bustling life.

Turning attention toward my closet ~ this is surely something I can bring under control.  "Project 333" seemed like a good fit and a good challenge!

To find out more about the project and to get all the guidelines please google "Be More With Less" and "Project 333".  You will find everything you need to know to begin your own project.

The goal is to wittle down your closet to 33 items ~ 

I can definitely say that this is one project, my husband supports 100%.  Although, all in all, I have to admit he supports most anything I want to do whole heartedly.

Cheers to the new year, to simple joys and to a very skinny closet!

Here is the end product, my "capsule" winter wardrobe for 2017: