"Storm Warning" by Welsh Dragon
I am the gentle thunder roll

Skin tingle, goose bump parade
I am the electric pulse, heart-beat
Lightening, tendering the glow behind
Your eyes ~ when you look at me,
You will remember,
You will no longer be afraid. 

Swim with me, in the fish soup sea
We are star shimmer, seven sisters
In the mortal masquerade.
We are the moon
        In the wax
               In the wane
Spiral life rooted in the bird
Nest reverie, sweet ecstasy,
Ride the weaver’s wave.

I have cleaned out my closet,
It is the skeleton bone shake –
I am giving up the ghost.
Hand wave, clearing space
I can pull the Universe
Out of my wooden bowl heart.

It is the spring bouquet
On the day, I remembered my name.
It is the rose quartz heart
Softly dangling from green silk promises.
It is lavender tea and cinnamon rolls,
Laughter ringing off the walls,
Dancing with honesty, love, passion,
Magic, loyalty, the intelligent sigh.

 And when the air grows quiet around my skin
And the world needs a stir
~ From under my right wing,
     The lightning strike
~ From under my left wing,
      The thunder roll.
“You can find no shelter from the storm,
Because you are the storm.”
Embrace it, celebrate this creative power.

It is a life worth living,
Miracles tangled in my hair.
Arms spread wide, reaching up
Embracing the sky.
My topiary mind tended with careful
Hands, the bull forgiven
With the silver, crescent edge.
Gratitude dance, simple, heart-felt sway.
It is easy, when you surrender to grace.
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