I am putting on my snakeskin-tune boots, wings dripping wet
with the ripple refrain
My heart is muscle ache sore after the bee sting symphony
The previous wane almost did me in, boiling skin and widow’s
I was wide-eyed mesmerized by poet promises and ocean eyes
but in the end
It was only a sea of broken-glass lies, he was locked in
glass coffin on the mercurial bed
And quick, quick bottom bound ~ deep concealment, moldering secrets, seeping
Poison into the today ~ dark dropping, shadow skittering charade
Hush, there are black things creeping
Through demon dreams, stealing away your lightening strength
and piping
Smoke into the crocodile bed, laying shattered for eleven
days among
The bleeding hearts, clinging to the Magdalene’s feet,
candle flicker casting
The promise of glow across my darkening features, my broken
fate ~
I had thought the trinity complete, hawk shriek promises and
sparrow whispers
I had seen the top of the hill, soft embrace and the sunset
days spilling over
The ancient page ~ illusions drawn on soft skin, washed away
in mother’s fountain
“Last time you saw him he drowned you in the still lake,
crosses still
Burn with your secret name”
he was shredded tone and in need of eagle wings
In the end, the only protection she needed, was from the one
who claimed
To be her protector, rotting brain with twisting thoughts
feeding deeply from the harpy’s
Song, he left the baby in the basket ~ blizzard and lost in
the snow blind ~ all was
sacrificed, not even a scrap could be saved, skin stripped
from bone
“I destroy everything I touch”
Then he packed his bags, turned and walked away, already
tendrils slipping into hearts
Less shattered by his scar scratched claws, reminiscent and
sweeter to the taste ~
Blaringly quiet, stunned eyes surveying the surprise of the
hard-won road ~
I draw around my shoulders the moon crust robes, take my
vows, seal and reclaim
My soul, chakras in the pinwheel spin ~ “you are always you”
~ prodigal, I have been too busy with the quick sand karma and the tar pit trauma
~ but that is an older story and the skipping record will be broken between the
sheets of the virgin bed ~
I will walk barefoot in the snow ~ I will never again climb
into the snowdrift forgetting ~
climbing into the phoenix pyre, screaming with agony, embracing the pain, holding it in gentle cupped hands, I am learning to let it wash me away ~
climbing into the phoenix pyre, screaming with agony, embracing the pain, holding it in gentle cupped hands, I am learning to let it wash me away ~
birth then death then rebirth ~ spiral life and when it ends
I am tree woman with stars in my hair ~ my roots creating
life within the earth and my limbs
and leaves making love to the sky ~
I will forgive the father ~
I will remember my name ~
I thought it was all about the three and the seven,
But in the end it was all about the eleven, this salvia divination.