shush, hush, silent night ~ tea sip, firelight ~
trees putting on their winter bones ~ barefeet
padding down iced cobble stones ~ slipping off
my wings as i weave snakes into my hair,
knitting roses into paper skin ~ all these scars, my
tattooed life ~ glowing grin {shrug} it's alright ~ as long
as the sage blooms red and wild, i can breathe
again, think, feel, stay awhile ~ tumble fall
through cicada fog, long ago dreams, fire fly
spring ~ mason jars and releasing things ~
my friend told me i was a good thought and that
is enough warmth to sustain me through
winter ~ the moon crust crushing against earth ~
waxing, waning, cold star dance ~ surprised doe,
trembling stance ~ wooden bowl release at
mother's feet ~ truth is my new best friend, freed
me from the siren's net ~ she is insistent, and
will not be sent away, she will strangle you if you
do not let her rise, so relax, raise your mouth towards
the heavens and unfurl ~ secrets held, twist into
shades with demon names ~ even to whisper them
on the wind unwinds the soul, damage done,
but not beyond repair ~ the earth smells rich and sweet,
it smells like home ~ wrapping wounds and mending
bones ~ hawk trinity dancing with my jungle heart ~
shush, hush ~ silenced night ~ winged tip then quiet flight ~
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