
One dressed her in black, the other in white,

The one before was so blind he didn’t bring her a raiment at all.

When she was alone, she dressed herself in red

And swirled until the moon gave herself to the sun.

It made no matter that her wings ripped from her bones

As she hurtled through time and space,

For even among the silicon chips and Freudian slips

They started to re-grow, always busy with the lavender lift.

The hawk screech and robin trees wouldn’t leave her alone,

Eagle talons close-in ~ look ~ the wolf she feeds is full of light,

The sparrow brings her news and she listens on the edge of delight.

I can make it spin with the flick of wrist, undulation of hip –

Bird song, flutter flying heart –

“Lean in honey . . .  haven’t you heard?”

It is the year of the Amazon, the vines of forgetting, the roots of

Remembering,  “there is much history between you and me,

History in the future, history in the past.”

I have been busy dreaming of rainbows, leather roads, leading

To the mountain home.  Mauna Kea whispering in the breeze.

The trees billow with feathers, robins lifting the solstice light.

We are sleeping until the equinox but already the boys sound

Their bells, we are deep in the medicine and it is hard to hear them.

His hat is deep and full of stories, satin spinning and he sends me ~

Black lace re-birthing, leap with me, we are in need of the bleeding heart

Memory, she wears her scarlet robe and will sigh no longer.

The apocalypse ate up many things -  but within the brick rubble -


In between my broken bones and torn skin –


Penetrating the pulled apart promises and death wish waste –


He may have the flint stone, but I am the one who knows about fire.

I do not need a happily-ever-after ending, I am painting my own ending,
I do not have time to worry, we meander and feel no fear,

The stream knows where it is leading.
Well, what can I say?  "hold onto nothing as fast you can . . . still . . . .pretty good year"

Yeah, that's about right.  Thought I should re-cap the year a bit early just in case the 21st really is the end of the world . . .

It was an eventful year ~ a big thank you to those who have loved and supported me through it all.

And if it was my last year?  Well, it actually was a pretty good year.  It is joy to be alive.

Below are the songs that have gotten me through this year, that I have belted out while doing dishes in the kitchen, that I have cried to, laughed with, danced to ~ I found my voice this year, and it is still a little rusty, but it is nice to have it back in my throat where it belongs ~

Just click on the song title, and it will take you to YouTube ~ sorry in advance for the commercial interruptions, the mix CD's will be commercial free ~

Happy holidays and much love to you all.  Enjoy the music, mix CD's with original cover art will be making the rounds soon ~ and I am making some Butterfly Medicine Potions to accompany them : )

1.  Pretty Good Year - Tori Amos
~ Well, I already stated it, but I will say it again ~~ it was a pretty good year ~

2.   Fade Into You - Mazzy Star
"I want to hold the hand inside you"

3.  In the Round - The Cardigans
~ I do love to do my dance in the round~

4.  Coffee and Cigarettes - Michelle Featherstone
~hmmmm . . . .self-explanatory~

5.  Shake it Out - Florence and the Machine
"I am done with my graceless heart. So tonight I'm gonna cut it out and then restart"

6.  Our Town - Kate Rusby
"can't you see the suns goin down on our town?"

7.  Blue Jeans - Lana Del Ray
~ for when I like to try on my bad girl ; ) ~

8.  Musicbox - Regina Specter
~ because I think it is fun to fill the sink to the top with bubbles of soap ~

9.  Strange Little Girl - Tori Amos
~  makes me think of some half-wild, toe-headed girl, raised poor in the Ozark mountains who thought she was Wonder Woman ~ grew up to find out that she wasn't ~

10.   Three Women - Domestic Science Club
~ for the sweet kitchen life I have been living, for the hands that have prepared food with me and for me ~ for those who have nourished me, supported me and help me call myself back to myself ~

11.  I Don't Know - Lisa Hannigan
~ I really don't know ~ but it's no biggie ~

12.  Samson - Regina Specter
"Beneath the sheets of paper lies my truth
I have to go, I have to go"

13.  Summertime Sadness - Lana Del Ray
"Got my red dress on tonight
Dancing in the dark in the pale moonlight"

~I do know a little bit about summertime sadness ~

14.  Passenger - Lisa Hannigan
She said "Burn.. oh why"And I said "Burn.. oh why" 

~ I have spent my life so afraid of the burn, I haven't been able to open my eyes to the truth right in front of my eyes ~ after this year, I have found my courage and am learning how to step into the fire ~ it hurts, but not as much as trying to hide what hurts ~ at least it can burn, and then it is ash, and we all know what arises from the ash ~ mere mere would be proud : )

15.  A Good Day - Priscilla Ahn
"I can tell it's gonna be a good day!"

16.  Afterglow - Phaeleh
"Taking control of the elements,
Making them mine, making them mine."

17.  Away - Kathleen Edwards
"I've been away"
But I have come back home ` prodigal ~ that's okay ~

18.  Don't Let Them See You Cry - Manchester Orchestra
~ for all of those who held space for me while I cried ~ it did feel like a dam broke ~ thanks for all the shoulders that surrendered to my need ~

19.  Edge of the Moon - Tori Amos
"Did you teach me to fly past your marmalade sky?"

20.  Born - Over the Rhine
~ because I am still open to learning how to love without fear and I am happy to laugh through my tears ~ living is a precious gift and I am thankful for all the gifts this year has brought me ~ here is to 2012 (still . . . pretty good year : )

"Storm Warning" by Welsh Dragon
I am the gentle thunder roll

Skin tingle, goose bump parade
I am the electric pulse, heart-beat
Lightening, tendering the glow behind
Your eyes ~ when you look at me,
You will remember,
You will no longer be afraid. 

Swim with me, in the fish soup sea
We are star shimmer, seven sisters
In the mortal masquerade.
We are the moon
        In the wax
               In the wane
Spiral life rooted in the bird
Nest reverie, sweet ecstasy,
Ride the weaver’s wave.

I have cleaned out my closet,
It is the skeleton bone shake –
I am giving up the ghost.
Hand wave, clearing space
I can pull the Universe
Out of my wooden bowl heart.

It is the spring bouquet
On the day, I remembered my name.
It is the rose quartz heart
Softly dangling from green silk promises.
It is lavender tea and cinnamon rolls,
Laughter ringing off the walls,
Dancing with honesty, love, passion,
Magic, loyalty, the intelligent sigh.

 And when the air grows quiet around my skin
And the world needs a stir
~ From under my right wing,
     The lightning strike
~ From under my left wing,
      The thunder roll.
“You can find no shelter from the storm,
Because you are the storm.”
Embrace it, celebrate this creative power.

It is a life worth living,
Miracles tangled in my hair.
Arms spread wide, reaching up
Embracing the sky.
My topiary mind tended with careful
Hands, the bull forgiven
With the silver, crescent edge.
Gratitude dance, simple, heart-felt sway.
It is easy, when you surrender to grace.