Well, what can I say?  "hold onto nothing as fast you can . . . still . . . .pretty good year"

Yeah, that's about right.  Thought I should re-cap the year a bit early just in case the 21st really is the end of the world . . .

It was an eventful year ~ a big thank you to those who have loved and supported me through it all.

And if it was my last year?  Well, it actually was a pretty good year.  It is joy to be alive.

Below are the songs that have gotten me through this year, that I have belted out while doing dishes in the kitchen, that I have cried to, laughed with, danced to ~ I found my voice this year, and it is still a little rusty, but it is nice to have it back in my throat where it belongs ~

Just click on the song title, and it will take you to YouTube ~ sorry in advance for the commercial interruptions, the mix CD's will be commercial free ~

Happy holidays and much love to you all.  Enjoy the music, mix CD's with original cover art will be making the rounds soon ~ and I am making some Butterfly Medicine Potions to accompany them : )

1.  Pretty Good Year - Tori Amos
~ Well, I already stated it, but I will say it again ~~ it was a pretty good year ~

2.   Fade Into You - Mazzy Star
"I want to hold the hand inside you"

3.  In the Round - The Cardigans
~ I do love to do my dance in the round~

4.  Coffee and Cigarettes - Michelle Featherstone
~hmmmm . . . .self-explanatory~

5.  Shake it Out - Florence and the Machine
"I am done with my graceless heart. So tonight I'm gonna cut it out and then restart"

6.  Our Town - Kate Rusby
"can't you see the suns goin down on our town?"

7.  Blue Jeans - Lana Del Ray
~ for when I like to try on my bad girl ; ) ~

8.  Musicbox - Regina Specter
~ because I think it is fun to fill the sink to the top with bubbles of soap ~

9.  Strange Little Girl - Tori Amos
~  makes me think of some half-wild, toe-headed girl, raised poor in the Ozark mountains who thought she was Wonder Woman ~ grew up to find out that she wasn't ~

10.   Three Women - Domestic Science Club
~ for the sweet kitchen life I have been living, for the hands that have prepared food with me and for me ~ for those who have nourished me, supported me and help me call myself back to myself ~

11.  I Don't Know - Lisa Hannigan
~ I really don't know ~ but it's no biggie ~

12.  Samson - Regina Specter
"Beneath the sheets of paper lies my truth
I have to go, I have to go"

13.  Summertime Sadness - Lana Del Ray
"Got my red dress on tonight
Dancing in the dark in the pale moonlight"

~I do know a little bit about summertime sadness ~

14.  Passenger - Lisa Hannigan
She said "Burn.. oh why"And I said "Burn.. oh why" 

~ I have spent my life so afraid of the burn, I haven't been able to open my eyes to the truth right in front of my eyes ~ after this year, I have found my courage and am learning how to step into the fire ~ it hurts, but not as much as trying to hide what hurts ~ at least it can burn, and then it is ash, and we all know what arises from the ash ~ mere mere would be proud : )

15.  A Good Day - Priscilla Ahn
"I can tell it's gonna be a good day!"

16.  Afterglow - Phaeleh
"Taking control of the elements,
Making them mine, making them mine."

17.  Away - Kathleen Edwards
"I've been away"
But I have come back home ` prodigal ~ that's okay ~

18.  Don't Let Them See You Cry - Manchester Orchestra
~ for all of those who held space for me while I cried ~ it did feel like a dam broke ~ thanks for all the shoulders that surrendered to my need ~

19.  Edge of the Moon - Tori Amos
"Did you teach me to fly past your marmalade sky?"

20.  Born - Over the Rhine
~ because I am still open to learning how to love without fear and I am happy to laugh through my tears ~ living is a precious gift and I am thankful for all the gifts this year has brought me ~ here is to 2012 (still . . . pretty good year : )

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