
with the deftness of a kitchen witch
i conjure up naughty things,
these cinnamon and sugar kisses.

he teaches me how to tend his garden,
it is all snakeroot and dragon water.
i supply the sunshine smile and
weed ready fingers.

starshine and ruby slippers.

laughing our way down an emerald path.

i shuffle in barefeet whispers.

i will gladly set up the red and white
tent for you, and invite all the
Edema Ruh ~ there is little, to
nothing i wouldn't do to make
your eyes shine, to make you lose
your quiet word inhibition.

come and try the chocolate
covered cherry wine, it will
make the whispered words
fall like moon shine, it will
illuminate the shadowed forest.

wrap your arms around my waist,
and pull me into you ~
your heart is my calliope,
tend to me and I will become
your once and future saturnalia.

the snow will sizzle when it
hits the roof, and the garden will
grow with abandon, bidden and
bound with Royal promises.

a year ago, I did't know the shape of his name
but today, I know his name and the words
that live beneath it.

in ocean drenched dreaming, he and I
stand across from each other ~

then he is above me,
swishing secrets,

then I am above him,
ruffling feathers,

when we land, we are facing each other

once again.

in the knowingness of the dreaming ~
we reach, each into the heart of the other,
holding in our hands the ruby scrolls.

a hope as warm and full of promise,
as a robin's egg.

I set his inside of me,
He folds mine, into his own.

We reach for each other,
then melt into embrace,
billowing emerald sky breaking open.

I will never be the same.

with strong, warm arms ~ he shelters me.

when I walk through spider webs,
his gentle fingers pull out the sticky
from my yellow hair tangle.

he tempts me
with his naughty grin and lets me fly.
he is a thousand kinds of beautiful,
but stunningly unaware.

he showed up at my house,
before our first kiss,
and in his hand he held
a garden vow ~

we were sealed,
my heart in his,
his heart in mine,
before our lips
ever touched.